Thursday, July 30, 2020

React JS VS Angular JS

React JS VS Angular JS
ReactJS: ReactJS is a library based on JavaScript, popularly used for building user interfaces. Facebook maintains it along with a community of individual developers. 
Hire React JS Developers:  
AngularJS is an open-source front-end framework based on JavaScript, maintained by Google and a community of companies and developers.
Hire Angular Developers: 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

6 Reasons Why Laravel Is the Way to Go

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework for developing custom web applications. More than 56 thousand developers from all over the world actively use and appreciate the robust features offered by this fantastic platform.

Hire a Laravel Programmers :

Friday, July 24, 2020

8 Reasons to Use PHP in 2020

8 Reasons to Use PHP in 2020
The popularity of PHP enjoys is a result of numerous advantages, which makes it an effective and powerful tool for development.
Hire a PHP coder form HireIndependentDevelopers for Web & App development projects.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

WordPress Plugins “must” for a Business Website

WordPress Plugins “must” for a Business Website
WordPress plugins are applications that allow a business owner to add new functionalities and features to their already existing WordPress website. Simply, just what apps to do with your smartphone is what these plugins do for your website.  

A Good Php Developer Paves the Way to a Brilliant App

What is the major area of concern when a product owner builds an app?

That it must be user-friendly, engaging, and the users should just love using the app so much that they recommend it too. 

Making an application like that may seem to be quixotic, but let me tell you it's not.

To create a great app, you need to choose amazing software you can build it on, and many developers would tell you that there's nothing in comparison to PHP.


PHP is a popular scripting language. It stands for Hypertext Processor; and it is so efficient that developers prefer using PHP in most cases.

The language is responsible for providing the script which carries instructions; which are comprehended during the runtime.  

PHP is an open-source scripting language, developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, for back-end development. In no time people all over the world became familiar to PHP and not just that, a lot of developers were using it too.

Developing a website with PHP negates the need of a developer taking care of managing cookies, collecting information from a webpage, and turning a dull website to dynamic because PHP is capable of doing it all.

Around 79% of all websites use PHP; some of the most popular ones are Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Tumblr, and WordPress.

Why is PHP popular?
  • PHP supports multiple frameworks.

  • Many reputed companies, like Yahoo and Facebook, have chosen it to develop their app.

  • PHP makes the coding process manageable and offers a variety of ways to write the code.

  • It's a flexible language.

  • PHP offers an ample number of libraries.

I believe you now know why you should choose PHP for your next project, Let's move to step number two.

Hiring a dedicated PHP developer who knows how to build a dynamic application is very crucial for you. The developer would keep your requirements as a priority and build the app accordingly.

Hiring the right PHP developer should take as much effort as you took to get that right idea.

What is a plan with no execution? Still a plan, right?

Hiring the right PHP developer is the foundation of that execution. 

Hire a PHP coder and pass a little of your burdens onto them. And relax a bit.

You don’t have to worry now, an expert is working for you.

If you Hire a PHP developer you'll surely get help in all these aspects:

Flexible Operations:

Hiring a PHP developer would fadeaways all your worries about updating specific changes. 

A skilled PHP developer would be highly flexible and highly knowledgeable. S/he will surely be aware of each step that has to be taken in the process and would only ensure your application development is at its best.

Who would you trust if not a professional?

They are Innovative:

Hiring a dedicated PHP developer will always keep you innovative. 

The developer would know every bit of the language.

It might be easy for the developer to predict what’s coming next. Someone who is highly aware of the language’s history would be able to foresee the trends too, based on previous patterns and knowledge.

So, Maybe creating something fresh, something that hasn't been launched yet, would not be such a tough task if you hire a PHP developer.

Technical expert:

A PHP developer would have relevant technical expertise in her/his field. When a professional is working for you, a lot of things will become more comfortable for you to deal with. 

A dedicated PHP developer would be able to eliminate the obstacles you might face while developing your application, and in case you do, you would have an expert by your side knowledgeable enough to sort it out.


You must only develop an application which is all you ever wanted. 

This is why hiring a PHP developer is very crucial. A PHP developer would have the right skill set needed for developing the application. Thus only s/he could be the person you can rely on at this point in time. 

Always remember, a well-developed application is the product of a skilled developer's work.


The PHP developer is a person who has been working on application development since the day s/he actually started working, this is what you pay for. You just don’t hire a developer, you hire their experience and professionalism too. 

From meeting deadlines to delivering an excellent project, a PHP developer would do it all.

When you hire a PHP programmer, you get benefits like technical assistance and extensive support whenever you need in the development process.

All in all, hiring a PHP developer is a need, not even a want.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Steps for Updating Your WordPress Site’s PHP Version

WordPress is coded in PHP, which means PHP serves as the scripting language for WordPress.

PHP powers WordPress. Hence it supports multiple versions of PHP that you, along with your developer, can easily integrate into your site to enhance its functionality.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Essential ReactJS tools for every developer’s Toolbox.

ReactJS has continuously been popular due to the massive ecosystem of tools, component libraries, an extension of code editors and web browsers, IDEs, and boilerplates it offers. 

The handy tools:

Reactide is a cross-platform tool offering visual editing solutions for most robust visual UI engines. The tool runs an integrated Node server and custom browser simulator.

React Belle

The tool uses an incredible set of components like ComboBox, Toggle, TextInput, Button, Rating, Card, Select, etc. It is optimized to work on both desktop and mobile devices.


Storybook is an incredible open-source tool for developing UI components to React, Vue, and Angular. It makes developing stunning, UIs, efficient, and organized.


The tool is an online editor and live playground to develop a reliable web app from multiple stages, right from prototype to deployment.

Atom React Plugin

An Atom user can take React development to the next level. Using the plugin, you can add a JSX syntax highlighter, automatic indentation and code folding to your Atom editor, and write codes faster.

React Sight

To tool is a Chrome extension, full of libraries. It has built-in filters allowing developers to hide elements, focusing more on individual components.

React Toolbox

It is a collection of React components, Toolbox built on the fundamentals of Google’s Material Design. It is easily customizable and flexible.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Convert a WordPress Site Into a Mobile App

The stakes of competition have raised in mobile app development.

Websites, when entered the market, created a revolution. But, as time changed, the revolution took a new face of mobile applications.

Hire WordPress Plugin Developer | Hire Within 24 Hours

Monday, July 6, 2020

Why AngularJS is Perfect for Web Application Development?

You must be very well familiar with the reality, but let's just take a moment to recall it - AngularJS is an excellent JavaScript framework that is growing very rapidly in terms of its reach. 

Google manages it along with a group of individuals and enterprises. Being an open-source front-end web application framework is significantly used to promote Single Page Applications or SPAs. 

Many developers prefer to use AngularJS to build highly professional and interactive websites and web applications. 

In today's time, AngularJS is one of the most popular frameworks with numerous advantages and many features. There are so many purposes served by AngularJS that are enough to leave you amazed. 

It resolves the problems that HTML has had with non-static documents. The shift in the Internet from static pages towards more interactive web-applications demanded to focus more on HTML in a better manner. AngularJS, in such a situation, turned out to be a way of coordinating code by offering some great features. 

Not just this, but, it also proposes solutions to front-end development for a seamlessly operating website or application in minutes. What can be the cherry on the cake is to hire Angular Programmer for your project and see it reaching heights of success. 

Certain features like the ability to build new features, other features like dependency injection, parallel development, convenient testing, and simple architecture distinguish AngularJS from other frameworks. 

Saying that AngularJS is the best fit for web development is unquestionable!

Let's discuss the factors that make AngularJS ideal for web development: 

Real-Time Testing

Choosing AngularJS for your next project saves you a reasonable amount of time by decreasing the time consumed for testing.

It comes with in-built modules, which further initiates in-depth and functional testing for every module you create.

Model View Controller (MVC) 

Do you know what's essential for dynamic websites or web applications?

It is the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, and AngularJS is based on the MVC model, which allows developing rich and robust websites and applications. 

Another unique feature of AngularJS is eliminating the complexity, improving the quality of code, and providing faultless development by dividing logic, process, and UI into separate modules. 

However, it is better to hire Angular programmers who have more expertise and yield desired results. 

Secured and Flexible App Development

This point fits better with the development of Responsive Web App Development. 

It is the quality of AngularJS to present data in an appealing manner, which makes it much praised by many developers around the world.

Third-party libraries and packages can be easily implemented with AngularJS due to its robust and flexible structure.  

Every new framework update, installment, or new technology affects the application's data and its security. 

AngularJS, in such situations, ensures tight security and security expression evaluation.

Development of Single Page Applications

AngularJS allows developers to develop responsive and competent performance in Single Page Applications or SPAs that can perform as per different devices and platforms.

It also guarantees better user-experience along with various templates, modules, and UI effects.

We can't agree more on the fact that AngularJS is ideal for creating appealing,high-performing

single-page applications.
Codes Can be Reused

Developers can reuse codes to build more robust codes in a complex enterprise-level web application. 

The improved user interface is an additional advantage of AngularJS that allows developers to create impressive user-experience. This can be simplified by seeking help from the coders for hire or any agency offering web development services that can make it done in minutes. 

Faster Web App Development with Fewer Efforts

AngularJS is a modern JavaScript framework that helps to build applications without investing much time to code, test, and deploy. 

Developers can also carry out parallel development, which reduces their chance of depending on other modules.

It can also deal with the real-time concerns of web development with HTML, JavaScript Objects, and the use of dependency injection. 

What makes AngularJS special?

AngularJS serves many purposes and fulfills various requirements like lightweight or single-page applications or general client-side logic. These are the reasons for it being unique and special.

Some other reasons contributing to its popularity include:
  • Maintained by Google
  • More consistent and readable
  • Easy to learn
  • A simple yet powerful framework

The websites or web applications built on the grounds of AngularJS are high in numbers. It provides high-level abstraction, which helps programmers in making app development a lot simple. 

AngularJS is undoubtedly an essential choice out of many for developers and product owners for most of their web app projects.

The best choice you can make here is to hire AngularJS Developers to make all these unique features a significant part of your project, application, or website. 

Wrapping Up

AngularJS provides many services, controls, modules, views, and directories, which in turn offers a winning situation for all. 

It has been one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks globally by attaining popularity in developing interactive, flexible, and efficient web applications.

AngularJS has successfully managed to keep its top position intact in terms of frameworks for web development.

When are you going to use it for your next project? 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Hire Dedicated Developers for SMEs to Sign Up for Success

What comes to your mind when you think of hiring a developer? 

Perhaps, someone who has a good knowledge of web development, various software, languages, etc. 

But the thing that needs to be considered here is that the skills mentioned above are not enough. There is a lot more that needs to be taken care of before initiating the process of developing your project. 

We know that having an app or website is a great way to boost your startup or business. It makes your brand reach the target audience easily. But the entire journey of the development, i.e., taking the app from execution to the final touch, is quite arduous. 

Finding the right and a dedicated developer is not just difficult but also very time-consuming in itself. There are certain aspects that you need to consider while making a choice. 

This primarily requires even more focus in the case of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). They are in the budding stage at a moment, which doesn't allow them to spend open-handedly. 
Therefore, it becomes compulsory for them to count multiple factors while hiring a professional developer for a guaranteed prolific development.  

Hiring a dedicated professional tends to help SMEs with improved efficiency, communication, and Promptness. It also proves to be useful in addressing the needs. 

Let's take a look at the more benefits of hiring a developer in the case of  SMEs. 

Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Developers for SMEs 

The dedicated developers perform to the best of their ability with the highest optimization. Here are some benefits you'd be able to enjoy when you hire developers for your small or medium enterprise: 


A dedicated developer is always flexible. They happen to work efficiently either exclusively or in a team. 

There is also flexibility in payment methods, i.e., either on an installment basis or as per the number of days/hours worked.

More Focus

These developers have a good grip on their work. That makes them perform the task as required. 

It also offers a greater focus by the developer on business and raises the overall standards.


Hiring non- professionals requires spending more resources to train them.

But when you hire experienced personnel, you don't have to pay for things you don't want to. 
Thus, hiring professional and dedicated developers proves to be extremely cost-effective.

Wide Array of Skills

Some projects ask for specialized skills, and some require different skills. 

A professional would help you access their variety of skills wherever you need them and use them when required for the betterment of the project.

Easy to Work With

Developers are easy to work with and manage. Their experience reduces the trouble, and all you have to do is assign the task, and rest will be taken care of by them. 

Promptitude Counts Too

For example, there is a situation where you have to finish the project as soon as possible, even before the deadline. 

Such emergencies with a skilled developer become easier. 
The person would take no time to make things fall in the right place. You need to make sure that you hire dedicated resources who stand by your side during adverse situations. 

Tips for hiring dedicated developers for SMEs

Track Down The Experts

The best mantra for a small or medium business to make things fall on your end is to look for someone's experience. 
Web or app development is tricky and should be done professionally by someone with adequate expertise as amateur developers usually fail to fulfill such requirements. 

It is better to hire coders from India for their affordable costs.
Fall for Quality Over Low Costs

SMEs being in a growing stage, often fall prey to low costs sacrificing quality. Low costs option indeed is a suitable option with a restricted budget but not in the best favor. 

Such risks can cost a lot later!

That's why you should hire developers with the potential to serve quality under affordable rates. 

Go Through the Past Work

Having a peek at a developer's previous work helps understand the approach they take towards the work. 

Check the developer's previous work for the functionality, graphics quality, and the time he/she took to finish the task. 

You would be able to judge if the developer fits the requirements or not. 

Gather Feedback

Gathering feedback from the previous client lets you have an idea of the developer's conduct. 

You would know how your potential developer treats the clients, his/her communication skills, and their problem-solving ability. 

Make a note of not to forget this one!

Advanced Approach

Usually, the developers do what they are being told. But that extraordinary and skilled one would contribute to the task on their level as well. 

Hire someone who would not just understand your business and project but also suggests the ideas to improvise it with an advanced and innovative approach. 

Privacy is Priority

Make sure that you start working with a developer once you both are on mutual grounds with the non-disclosure and privacy agreements.

It guarantees the security of sensitive and critical information. 

Don't forget about the property rights to dodge the chances of any further discrepancies.

Address the Post Development Responsibilities Beforehand

Address all that needs to be done after the development of the project beforehand. 

It is better to discuss these issues before handling and starting the project in the form of a written agreement to avoid the person from having cold feet in the future. 

Final Thoughts

Choosing a professional, experienced, and dedicated developer is not an easy job. It may take somewhere from days to months to stumble upon the right one.  

You loosen any end, and it all goes in vain!

Not just your time, money, and resources will be lost, but the chance of developing something better would also decrease. 

Follow the tips mentioned above to hire the dedicated resources for your business and get the project enriched with the desired features and functionalities. 

Why Should Product Owners Go for Angular Web Development?

  Developed by Google, Angular JS is an open-source, JavaScript framework known for emphasizing code quality and testability. The main objec...