Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Advantages of React JS for Web & App Development


React.js is a JavaScript library that was launched by Facebook and is currently maintained by a robust community of developers. It can be used in the development of mobile applications or single-page applications.

React.js is used for the client-side development of the web application and works on Model View Controller.

As I mentioned above, react.js is preferred by developers for creating single-page applications. And later, the libraries are used to support web applications.

Although many companies use react.js, some famous ones are Airbnb, Myntra, UberEats, Instagram, and Discovery VR

Read More:  Most Popular react ui Framework

What makes React.JS worthy?

Fast and money saver:

The main component that all organizations look for before creating their apps is if it’s time effective and budget-friendly or not?

No organization, big or small, would like to build their application on a framework that is expensive and takes time to develop. 

React.js caters to that issue. It has multiple reusable components that enable easy and inexpensive maintenance of the application.

In addition, it also facilitates React Native, which is a popular cross-platform framework. 

So, the app you develop is inexpensive, effective, and works on almost all platforms.

Highly stable:

Since a strong community of developers maintains it, it is updated from time to time. There’s minimal risk of going outdated since the community keeps it updated and in trend. 

Reusable Components:

The reusable components of a framework act as a great benefit for a developer; it allows them to build different applications with similar functionalities.

It reduces the efforts one needs to put into app development and ensures flawless performance.

SEO Friendly:

SEO is a must when it comes to promoting your application and making it reach the audience. So, it’s crucial to choose a framework that’s SEO-friendly. 

React.js is tried and tested by many organizations when it comes to incurring a good rank on the search engine. 

React.js can build up a high-quality application that is reliable and SEO-friendly. BONUS!

Although react.js could be and should be a part of your next project, you must hire react.js developers to ensure you take full advantage of it.

I believe you have had a good idea about both the JS technologies by now and have got some clarity regarding it.

Hire React JS Developer for your web & app development.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Convert WordPress Site Into Mobile App

Convert WordPress Site Into Mobile App
WordPress plugins are like small software that allows you to add more features and functionalities to your WordPress website. They combine and run over the WordPress software. They can also be used to convert your WordPress site into a mobile app. 
hire expert WordPress developers for converting WordPress site Into Mobile App  

Advantages of Node JS for Web & App Development


Node JS is an open-source server environment used by JavaScript. It facilitates coding at the back-end. 

NodeJS is capable of running on different platforms(Windows, Mac OS, Unix, Linux, and so on.), which is one reason adding to its universality. 

NodeJS not just handles various client requests simultaneously but also allows a developer to share and reuse bundles of library code. NodeJS simplifies the data syncing process between the client-side and the server-side.

NodeJS handles real-time applications efficiently, all thanks to its incredible features and properties.

It can efficiently process various requests in quick response time, and it likewise shares the validation code between both the front end and the back end. 

In addition to that, using Node JS, a developer can write and maintain codes that are sufficiently proficient at dealing with multiple connections on just one machine. 

If you need your application to be highly extensive and dynamic, then there is nothing better than NodeJS. You should add it to your tech stack to accomplish the goal.

However, to optimize Node JS to its most noteworthy productivity, you should Hire NodeJS developers, who have significant experience and skills with the technology. When you find the correct developer for you, you will have the option to avail all the advantages Node JS offers.

Reasons to choose NodeJS for Web and App Development

  • NodeJs developers can efficiently write the server-side application in JavaScript.
  • Scaling up an existing NodeJS application in both vertical and horizontal manner is not a tough task for an expert Node.JS Programmers.
  • Compilation of codes written in JavaScript directly into machine code can be done using Google’s V8 JavaScript engine.
  • NodeJS supports caching of modules
  • Highly extensible
  • NodeJS support Real-time web application development.

Friday, August 21, 2020

WordPress Site Into a Mobile App – Discover the Details


WordPress Site Into Mobile App Conversion - Which Plugin Can do it Best?

WordPress plugins are like small software that allows you to add more features and functionalities to your WordPress website. They combine and run over the WordPress software. They can also be used to convert your WordPress site into a mobile app.

AppPresser: The development becomes very flexible and smooth with the AppPresser plugin. What you can do using the AppPresser plugin includes designing navigation functions as tabs or pull-out menu, creating custom pages, initiating push notification, etc.

MobiLoud: The plugin is known as Mobile App Canvas, which has been created by MobiLoud. You can develop a high-performing mobile app and launch it on multiple app stores with MobiLoud. It is the best option if your need is for a native mobile app.

Androapp: Androapp is suitable where the platform is more content-oriented. It takes up the content or feed and converts it into a mobile-friendly layout. The result then is almost similar to that of a responsive website.

WPApp.Ninja: WPApp.Ninja plugin allows you to develop a mobile application or a PWA (Progressive Web Application) for your WordPress website. It can also be used to set up the app and configure it within the WordPress admin area.

Blappsta: Blappsta is an excellent plugin compatible with all platforms. It has a unique feature known as 'Blappsta Preview,' which lets you preview your mobile app before making it live.

Hire WordPress Coder for converting your WordPress website to a mobile app.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

What makes Laravel packages Suitable for Ecommerce?

 For years, developers have been in a constant dilemma of what to choose between a CMS and Laravel to develop their e-commerce platform. 

Some prefer choosing a CMS since it is readymade, and much less effort investment is required. 

Nevertheless, Laravel also provides commendable advantages that are worth considering!

The debate over Laravel and CMS’s capabilities will go on forever; you have to decide which one matches your business objectives the best. 

However, you will put forth some notable pros of Laravel, because we think it is the way to go if you need to create a dynamic website.

It is essential to understand that Laravel overpowers CMS platforms, especially when you need to build an optimized e-commerce store.

So be ready to hire laravel developers because, after this, you would want to get straight to developing!

Advantages of Laravel:

  • High Scalability:

Scalability is the most significant feature holding great value in any e-commerce platform.

Since almost all store owners would continually need to add up products, retailers, suppliers, and related inventories to the online store they are developing, scalable solutions is a must. 

Another critical reason why an e-commerce application must be super scalable is that the customer base could increase with time. Therefore only a scalable application would be able to catch up. 

  • Flexibility in managing web stores:

Laravel provides great ease at managing web stores and shopping carts, all thanks to the great e-commerce packages it offers. It is true to say that Laravel has brought stores at your fingertips.

The necessary codes are pre-set with primary functionalities like products, carts, inventories, payment gateway, pricing, etc. 

  • Omnichannel support:

The brilliant PHP framework, Laravel, provides you with an omnichannel e-commerce experience, that allows your laravel shop to perform much faster and become highly optimized. 

An advanced omnichannel e-commerce network can be built using the laravel e-commerce open course CMS. The task is performed by integrating the digital and physical store into one platform. 


The noteworthy point here is that coding in laravel is not an “easy to execute” task, so you would have to look for laravel programmers & developers for hire to make it happen for you. 

The laravel e-commerce packages sure come with a little relief from the hectic tasks, but it is still not possible for a non-tech person to execute it on their own.

There are many e-commerce packages provided by Laravel that can be used by your laravel developer to build your product faster, including the best:

  • Bagisto 

  • Aimeos

  • Mage2 

You would have a better knowledge of these packages once you hire your developer. 

Till then, get over with the CMS vs. Laravel war and start analyzing what’s best for you. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

5 Best and Most Popular CMS Platforms in 2020

What is a Content Management System?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a platform that lets you publish and manage the content on the web in an inbuilt fashion.

Take an example of a text editor, like a notepad, which allows you to publish your articles directly to your website.

This is the most typical example of a CMS. of course, the CMS options we have now are much more advanced, providing the entrepreneur with brilliant functionalities. They allow you to index your content, make necessary changes, format it via virtual editors, and do a lot more.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Top Advantages of PHP in Web Application Development


PHP is a popular scripting language. PHP stands for Hypertext Processor; developers prefer using PHP in most cases.

The language is responsible for providing the script which carries instructions; these instructions are comprehended during the runtime.  

PHP is an open-source scripting language that was developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, for back-end development. It received global recognition and popularity in almost no time.

Around 79% of all websites use PHP; some of the most popular ones are Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Tumblr, and WordPress.

Why is PHP popular?

  • PHP supports innumerable frameworks.
  • Many reputed companies, like Yahoo and Facebook, have chosen it to develop their app.
  • PHP makes the coding process easily manageable and offers many ways to write the code.
  • It's a flexible language.
  • PHP offers extensive libraries.
  • I suppose now you would've gained clarity on why you can choose PHP for your next project

Advantages of Hiring a PHP Developer

Flexible Operations:

An Experienced PHP developer would be highly flexible and highly knowledgeable. S/he must be aware of each step taken and would only ensure maximum results out of your application development. 

Technical expert:

A skilled PHP developer would be technical expertise in his field. When a professional developer is working for you, a lot of things will become more easygoing. 


Your application design must be just right. 

This is why hiring a PHP coder is very crucial for you. A PHP developer would have the right skill set needed for the web and app development process, and only s/he could be the most reliable person at this point in time. 


The PHP developer who had been working on developing applications since the day s/he started working, this is what s/he charges you for, so it's necessary for her/him to be highly professional in her/his work. From meeting deadlines to delivering an excellent project, a PHP developer must do it all.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

ReactJS vs. VueJS


Introduced by the social media giant, Facebook, back in 2013. It is a JavaScript-based framework, open-sourced in nature, providing intuitive ways to develop an engaging and rich web app with minimal coding. 

ReactJS provides:


ReactJS allows a developer to design simple views for each app state. React will render and update the relevant components. The declarative view makes debugging easy. 


All the components in ReactJS define the interactions and visuals in the app. In react, all elements are broken down into smaller components to create a view.

Virtual DOM:

React’s virtual DOM provides you application with advanced speed, higher-performance, and cross-browser compatibility.

Code Rewriting:

React doesn’t require you to rewrite codes while developing features. It can render on servers via Node and power apps built with React Native. 

Zero Dependencies:

It is independent of other technologies. Therefore, developers can handle external dependencies. 


It is an open-source JavaScript-based platform popularly used to develop user interfaces and SPAs. The officially maintained libraries and packages of Vue offer extensive support while building complex applications.

Vue Provides: 

Small in Size:

Vue’s file size is quite smaller in comparison to others; it ranges from about 18KB to 20KB. It allows the users to separate the template-to-virtual-DOM compiler and the run time. 

Easy to develop and understand:

Vue offers large scale templates. Therefore it can be quickly learned. With a simple structure, a lot of developer’s time is saved. 

Simple Integration:

It offers more straightforward integration when it comes to developing both Single Page Applications and adding components in the application you have already created. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Advantages of React JS for Web & App Development

What is React JS?

React JS is an open-source library of JavaScript that is designed and maintained by Facebook. With react JS, a developer can create dynamic, vibrant, and engaging web applications. A developer would choose to build an app with React JS when it needs to be fast and efficient and needs to be developed pretty quickly since not much coding is required.

Let’s now move on to what Benefits would a react JS developer provide to you

Well aware of the library:

A reactJS developer would have relevant knowledge and experience to build up a dynamic application for you. The less you know, the more time you will have to invest in gaining knowledge of it. Luckily, a reactJS developer would already have the needed skills and experience, so you waste no time.

Your react JS developer would be well aware of the functionality of libraries; s/he will give full attention to your needs and aspects that could benefit your application. 

So developing an application pretty quickly, is possible with ReactJS.

Build rich user interfaces:

I have a simple question, would a reduced UI application be capable enough of hooking your audience? I don’t think so. 

Creating a UI reach in all aspects is a necessity for any business owner if S/he wishes to engage her/his audience.

Only a developer is skilled enough to get the task done. A programmer skilled in react JS would definitely deliver a vibrant application with top-notch UI. 

Read More: best react ui framework

Easy Customization:

Your developer would build your application based on the exact requirements you put forth. React JS allows a developer to use JSX (syntax extension), which makes it possible for React JS to write its own components.

Through JSX, you can create a high-volume application with custom components.

Easy SEO optimization:

React JS is an easy way of developing an application that contrasts with various architectures and loads a page quickly. This feature can help an organization to increase its ranking on search engines.

Hire ReactJS Developers:

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Top Things You Can Do Using PHP In 2020

PHP, Hypertext Preprocessor, formerly known as Personal Home Page, is certainly ruling this era.

It is standing strong as one of the most popular and preferred languages in comparison to others. 

What is PHP?

Making its appearance in 1995, this open-source general scripting language called PHP has been doing wonders since then. 

PHP supports cross-platform and allows you to carry out several operations. Using hashtags and implementing business logic layers too comes under the abilities of PHP.

What Advantages of PHP Makes it Worth Using? 

Conquering over all its competitors, PHP is undoubtedly providing a lot to its users. 
The trait of being developed as an open-source scripting language benefits the most by offering a wide range of plugins, frameworks, and third-party services. 

Here's what makes PHP worth using:

A simple language with a flexible learning curve
Offers a considerable amount of scalability
The integration and compatibility is feasible
Potential to perform efficiently
A cost-effective platform allowing you do achieve goals under defined budget and resources
Provides more control as compared to the other languages

Incredible things You Can Do With PHP
  • Integration of Cloud and PHP 
  • Real-Time Applications
  • Cookies and Sessions
  • AMP Integration

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

How Important Is Hiring a Node JS Developer?

Node JS is an open-source server environment for JavaScript that carries out the coding at the server-side. What makes Node JS highly preferred among the developers is that it runs on various platforms (Windows, Mac OS, Unix, Linux, etc.).

Here is why you need to hire the right Node JS developer to build your application:

  • A knowledgeable Node JS developer would know how to build all kinds of things, be it a web application or any type of network application. As long as you have hired the right Node Js developer, there’s nothing you should worry about.

  • Hiring a Node JS developer would ensure the fast delivery of your app.

  • Hiring the right developer would make it easy to manage the data exchanged between the server and the user. It would be easy to define and maintain the database and would guarantee high performance.  

  • By hiring a Node JS developer, you can make sure he combines the front end elements or other developers working on the same project.

  • A node JS developer is responsible for many tasks. Hence if you hire a Node JS developer, all these tasks would no longer be a problem:

  • A Node JS developer can write a reusable, efficient, and valid code.

  • If you Hire a Node JS developer, he will combine those elements for the users that were created by app developers keeping server-side in mind

  • Designing and implementing a fantastic application performance won’t be difficult with a Node JS developer.

  • Hiring a Node JS developer would ensure your app data is safe and secure.

  • A node JS developer can integrate data storage solutions easily.

If you hire the right Node JS programmer to build your app, you will get one step closer to achieving your goals. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

5 WordPress Security Myths Busted!

5 WordPress Security Myths Busted!
WordPress is super-popular, and so are the myths associated with it. The CMS was launched in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. It’s an open-source content management system coded in PHP and paired with MySQL.

Why Should Product Owners Go for Angular Web Development?

  Developed by Google, Angular JS is an open-source, JavaScript framework known for emphasizing code quality and testability. The main objec...