Thursday, October 29, 2020

What's new in Angular 10?

 Angular 10

Version 10 of Angular is the latest release of all its versions. There are high possibilities of it being the final release of the google-developed, typescript based framework’s newest version. Version 10 witnessed many updates and depreciation; therefore, in the comparison between Angular 9 and Angular 10, the latter is smaller since it focuses majorly on quality tools and ecosystem instead of offering new features. 

Nevertheless, let’s look at some of the features its offers:

  • Compiler update:

The Angular 10 wraps the actual ngtsc compiler via the compiler interface. Angular language service, dependency information, and ng-content selectors are yet another add on to the metadata, propagating the cost span of the ExtensionBinding of the micro syntax expression.

  • Performance Improvements:

Angular 10 offers a drastic improvement in the application’s performance since it reduces the entry point’s size. Therefore, applications developed with Angular 10 are expected to perform better than that developed with any older versions.

Moreover, the compilation of basePaths and caching of the dependencies further enhances an Angular 10 app’s performance. 

  • TypeScript 3.9, TSLib 2.9 and TSLint v6:

This one highlight is majorly considered when formulating a comparison between Angular 9 and Angular 10. Compared to the older version that uses typescript 3.7, Angular 10 has come up with an upgrade to typescript 3.9, where the team behind it has focused majorly on polishing the app performance, enhancing the speed providing stability to the technology. The typescript 3.9 provides completions, error-checking, speeding up the compiler, quick fixes, and incredible editing experience. 

The newest version, Angular 10, can also seamlessly function with TSLint v6 and TSLib 2.9. 

Major Changes in Angular 10:

There are a few changes that transpose the whole ecosystem of Angular 10: 

  1. The logic is updated so that the time is matched within the day; this period is extending past midnight. This will affect applications that use either DatePipe or formatDate () or the b and B format codes.
  2. The NPM in Angular 10 does not contain the positive jsdoc remarks required to assist the necessary advanced optimization for a closure compiler. The closure compiler uses a higher off absorbing Angular app’s built, which are direct sources rather than ingesting variations of NPM.
  3. Any resolver coming back to empty will abort navigation. And for turning this on, the programmer will have to update the resolver to modify the vale, such as default. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What Should You Choose Between Angularjs and Reactjs?

Every developer once in her/his lifetimes, has worked on one of the three platforms.

The two platforms are all written in JavaScript. Hence they are better known to developers, making them efficient enough of being included in the tech stack of a proper application. Therefore, it is evident as to why developers choose these platforms over and over again. 

Let's obtain detailed knowledge about application development with the three platforms:


AngularJS is entirely based on HTML and JavaScript. The JavasScript framework controls the DOM model by broadening HTML with directives. It additionally productively makes a single page application (SPA) with features like data binding. It gives pendency injections, which decreases the requirement for composing a lot of codes. Through AngularJS, a developer can convert a basic HTML into a dynamic without much of a stretch. 

The structure is able enough to challenge all complexities of web application development. 

It doesn't make a difference if you need to conquer the complexities of web advancement or if you have to fulfill any of your improvement needs. AngularJS is here to cater. 

AngularJS makes developers' life simple and your application splendid, so it is evident why engineers simply love choosing AngularJS. 

However, building up any application isn't a cakewalk; you should Hire AngularJS Developers to create your application just the way you want.

Hire Now:

Reasons to choose AngularJS:

  • It has an injection subsystem powered with inbuilt dependency.

  • Single data binding and simple routing are provided.

  • Creating a customized document object model (DOM) is easy.

  • Great UI can be built with it.

  • Huge community base.

  • It is an extension to HTML, and using directives; reusable components can be created.

  • Provides ANgular libraries with a lot of template building solutions

  • The procedure of unit testing with AngularJS incorporates the Injection of mock data into your controller and afterwards estimating by observing behaviour.


ReactJS is a library of JavaScript and is open-source. It adequately renders huge informational indexes in a web application; it is utilized for dealing with the view layer of web and mobile applications for making reusable UI. Facebook first used it, and afterwards, Instagram, to date, Facebook maintains it. 

Making a dynamic, engaging, and excellent web application is simple with ReactJS. Developers can make vast web applications without reloading the page using ReactJS, as it is quick and versatile. 

So a developer can fabricate an application with ReactJS when it needs to be quick and effective and should be created in a brief timeframe. This is conceivable since hardly any coding is required to make an application with React JS. 

However, if you wish to obtain the most extreme advantages out of React JS, it would be an incredible choice to Hire React JS developers. The developers would make better and clear objectives for your application utilizing her/his experience and information.

Hire Now:

Reasons to choose ReactJS:

  • Since ReactJS refreshes only a part of the page, the virtual DOM functions faster. 

  • UI Test Cases are easily created. 

  • Reusable codes.

  • Components in large amounts can be displayed easily and quickly.

  • Easy and fast debugging with the specialized chrome extension.

  • Changes in data require manual processing.

  • ReactJS is view oriented.

  • Code rending from server to browser improvises the SEO of the webpage.

  • Both iOS and Android applications can be created with it.

  • With reusable components, hybrid applications can render natively.

  • It is one of the most preferred JavaScrip frameworks amongst developers.

  • ReactJS provides support for both client-side and server-side.

Monday, October 19, 2020

What Laravel App Development Has in Store?

Laravel is an open-source and one of the most popular PHP frameworks preferred widely for creating websites or applications with cutting-edge features and unimaginable performance. It has turned into the talk of the town with its immense popularity. All your web solutions and requirements get fulfilled well by the use of Laravel. The only need is to hire Laravel developers with sufficient experience and get started!

Speaking of Laravel's offerings, it arrived with top-notch functionalities, robust features, and a massive community at support. All of this together makes the development process with Laravel relatively modern, easier, and faster. And that's not just it; there's more to web development with Laravel. 

Let's take a look. 

Full-Fledged Security

One topping our list is Laravel's ability to keep your application completely safe and secure. With an increase in vulnerability to severe security issues such as cross-site scripting or SQL injections, it is the need of the hour to not just protect the data but the assets like servers, storage, etc. as well. 

You get access to several significant security measures such as secured structure and Bcrypt hashing algorithm for protection against false online activities. Laravel's attributes are way more secured, much more than the expectations for rigorous security. Some notable security features involve: 

  • Bcrypt hashing to save passwords

  • Highly-secure structure for API development and designing

  • CSRF tokens/protection

  • Login & database securities from XSS attacks

  • Encryption and authentication capabilities

  • Eloquent ORM for protection against SQL injections

  • Laravel HTML purifiers and Laravel security packages

Powerful Templates

The Blade templating engine in Laravel is considered to be a lightweight engine letting the development of view composer and macros. Its features involve escaping output, template inheritance & sections, and clean syntax. Adding to how promising this Blade templating engine is, you get to make use of dynamic database seeding for intuitive layouts. You can even extend them and add more DRY views easily. 

It is quite fast in terms of rendering views by effectively caching the view output in it's modified state. This not just decreases the loading time but also gives a boost to your SERPs ranking. Also, its escaping output proves to be helping a lot in removing XSS vulnerabilities. 


Comprehensive Testing

Proper testing of your application is something you can never compromise on. With all the complexities, functionalities, and coding, it is required to ensure that the application, in the end, is absolutely free of any sort of bugs or errors. Laravel conducts the testing by supporting functionality, unit, feature, and integration. It even makes you write and perform tests over each module to check the code's quality and identify if there are any bugs or errors through PHPUnit.

Laravel can integrate individual modules and units and run tests. This is to make sure the matchless quality of the product. There is no need left to rely on third-party software or tools for testing with Laravel's features for the same. It is better to hire a Laravel programmer to help you in building a highly secure application using the same. 

Built-in Authentication 

As the right user authentication and dynamic authorization is always a need, exceptional authentication and authorization is what you get with Laravel. It is easier for you to set up an absolute comprehensive authentication in application. 

You can utilize Laravel's built-in features such as password reset, data encryption, CRFP protection to identify the genuine users, avoid unauthorized access to data, configure the authorization control along with access to critical information assets. And the best part is that the activation of the authentication mechanism can be done with just a single command and configuring models, database migrations, and controllers.

Use of MVC Architecture

Laravel follows an MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern for quick and seamless web development. MVC architecture holds great significance and preference by allowing to work simultaneously over different parts of the application. For example, handling the controller part and designing the views, both can be worked on together at the same time. Irrespective of the big or small size, along with the complexity of your project, Laravel, with its MVC architecture, offers the best solutions and suitability. What more you tend to get with Laravel for high-performing and secure app development involves an elegant syntax, a wide range of object-oriented libraries, sessions, Restful routing, authentication, caching, secure cookies, an in-built tool called Artisan, JSON APIs support, Database compatibility with MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, and SQLite, HTTP middleware support, robust and rich ecosystem, an inversion control container, and much more. 

The Bottom Line

In the end and after going through the entire information, we can say that Laravel certainly has a lot in store for its users. And you can avail it all simply by deciding to hire dedicated Laravel developers wisely, that is, keeping all major considerations in mind. Laravel development certainly assures scalability, maintainability, security, and stability at the optimum level for your website or application.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

3 Ways to Master NodeJS Development for 2021!

NodeJS’s ability to make everything possible didn’t remain in the dark to programmers; hence, the technology acquired incredible prominence in a brief period since its launch. Therefore, various coders started using NodeJS, and many companies began actively hiring Nodejs developers for their projects.

3 NodeJS development tricks to rule the 2021 market:

  • Add some types and schemas: 

The typless coding method has earlier proven to be error-prone and counterproductive. However, this does not imply that a developer would have to stick to strictly-typed syntax. Instead, it would be better to choose the degree of semantic code by either validating your models/entities using JSON schemas to elucidate your basic JS with static typing. 

Or you can also decide to use fully-typed syntax with Typescript. The latter has managed to gain appreciation in the past few years. Thus, if you are planning on using Typescript, ask yourself whether you should expand to using typing features. Otherwise, using abstract classes and interfaces may take you to the paradigms you never wanted to try. 

  • Plan utilization of Async-Hooks for better tracing and context:

Many companies prefer to hire full-stack web developers to tackle the one drawback that’s associated with the single-threaded model, i.e., requests lose context. This happens when they perform asynchronous operations and flow through various files. Thus the variables remain unpreserved during their life cycle. 

Why is this troublesome? 

For example, developers often need to include a unique identifier within each log entry so that later every log entry can be correlated in the same request. This was not easy a few years back, but since 2019 async hooks have made it possible. Simply put, they allow injecting custom code anytime an async operation is beginning or ending. 

Async hooks make it possible to preserve the context and correlate all codes in the same request. 

Therefore, a developer must possess excellent skills in using the async hook appropriately and at the right time since they can lay as a foundation for several custom packages that take Node’s context and tack to another level. 

  • Align your monitoring with best SRE/DevOps practices: 

Even a small-size application will have dozens of physically moving parts, thus staying on top of the competitive market must be carefully planned and even carefully executed. Yet, many developers fail to acquire the skill set of monitoring and alerting; site reliability engineers can give these lessons. 

As an example, developers often focus or prioritize internal hardware metrics such as Memory and CPU instead of beginning with metrics that undeniably and directly affect the end-user at the current moment, such as latency or error rate. 

These metrics are also referred to as “the golden signal” and in 2021, it would be great to start and embrace such great NodeJS development practices. 

Why Should Product Owners Go for Angular Web Development?

  Developed by Google, Angular JS is an open-source, JavaScript framework known for emphasizing code quality and testability. The main objec...