Monday, November 9, 2020

NodeJS and Web Development: The Ideal Match

NodeJS is an open-source JavaScript run-time environment applied when the composed code has to be executed in JS. NodeJS can run on various platforms, including Linux, Windows, OS X, and many more. 

Many famous companies, such as Microsoft, Netflix, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Uber, and the New York Times, use NodeJS.

Advantages of using NodeJS:

It provides many incredible benefits, such as: 

  • Scalability

  • It is used as a Single Programming Language

  • Provides all services of Full Stack development

  • Known for offering incredibly high performance

  • Backed by a massive community

  • Provides facility of caching single modules

  • Handles multiple requests simultaneously

Capabilities of NodeJS:

  • It’s fast:

The famous V8 engine by Google supports NodeJS. It has been coded in JavaScript and provides an unbeatable running speed.

  • It encourages sharing:

NodeJS encourages sharing through the Node Package Manager (NPM). It hosts around 50,000 packages that allow developers to create effective packages. 

Suits best with Real-Time Applications:

NodeJS provides impeccable features for developing real-time applications like applications for chatting or a gaming app. It also suits nicely with programs that require the event-based server and also non-blocking driven servers. 

  • NodeJS serves as a proxy server:

NodeJS hosts many compelling features that can serve as a proxy to various services with variations in their response times. It also streams data from multiple sources.

Effective Single Codebase:

NodeJS has proved that it’s the “worthy of all” technology since day one. With NodeJS’s launch came the ability to code the entire application (both front-end and back-end) with just JavaScript.

Hire node js developers for web development projects.

Why to Choose ReactJS for Enterprise App Development?

Most enterprises prefer to choose ReactJS to develop their online projects. The use of ReactJS ensures a personalized app development along with the mobile-first experience along with it. 

It has many benefits; that is also the reason behind its popularity in app development for complex-enterprise level projects.

  • Compatibility with platforms:

ReactJS supports various libraries along with an excellent architecture for app development. The tools can be chosen for customization without any limitation to the platform. 

  • Reusability of components:

The non-complex logic in the components can be used and maintained easily. 

Just create a class and make use of as many instances as desired. Also, these components are independent of each other. Thus one changed component does not affect others. 

  • Interactive UI:

To build a user-friendly application with a high success rate, there is a need to have a functional, interactive, and high-quality UI. ReactJS provides declarative components that enable you to develop UI functions and debug them. 

  • Virtual DOM:

One of ReactJS greatest assets is having a virtual DOM. The virtual DOM is used for all the components. The React-DOM happens to build necessary updates on its own and render it to the real DOM-tree.

  • Future-oriented: 

Since ReactJS is compatible with most of the other tools and platforms out there, there is no need left to work on the existing code while an update is happening.

Thus, ReactJS is future-oriented. 

  • Wide Community:

One primary reason that makes ReactJS ideal for enterprise app development is an extensive community of developers always working to better the documentation. 

All the information relates to ReactJS is instantly available with the community-driven approach.

Hire ReactJS Developers for Social Networking App Development

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Why Should You Hire a WordPress Developer?

WordPress was released in May 2003 and has grown so fast that it now hosts 33% of the total websites in the world. It is preferred by a huge number of business owners and bloggers for its flexibility and ease of use.

WordPress lets you set the level of your business needs as you like, growth is sure fast on this platform.

Although it is famous for how easy it is to use, you can only reach its full optimization with the help of an experienced WordPress Developer, who knows the limitations and benefits to it. That is why it is important for anyone who wants their site to grow on WordPress to hire WordPress developers, or to hire WordPress programmers or any WordPress expert, as per your requirements.

Read More: Best CMS for Small Business

All you have to do for your website to flourish on WordPress to hire the right set of WordPress developers, or WordPress experts and let them work on making your product famous.

While it is relevantly easy to find a WordPress programmer, it could be difficult to find the right one, who understands your needs and can implement them while working on your site. However, when you hire the WordPress Developer who is exactly what you need, you be able to conquer all these aspects:

Hire WordPress developer for all your technical queries:

It does not matter if you have very little technical knowledge as long as you have a WordPress developer by your side. He will solve all your technical queries so easily that you’ll think you never had them.

WordPress problems solved:

Unable to generate the right rate of interest?

Or, can not reach your target audience?

You don’t have to worry about these, just hire a WordPress expert and get all your issues and queries solved. A WordPress programmer is well aware of all the answers to your questions.

They know your users:

When you hire a skilled knowledgeable WordPress developer, he would know what your audience wants from you, what they expect and how you should cater to those expectations.

They know more than just WordPress:

A WordPress developer is also well aware of other programming languages like HTML, PHP, JS, etc. When you hire a WordPress developer he would be able to develop a multi-functional website, and might add some exciting features to it too.

Total customization:

Hiring a WordPress developer would give you the advantage of customizing your website the way you want to. If you have the right person working for you, customization would not be a difficult task for you. You will be able to make changes in the design and coding parts whenever you feel like.

Since, WordPress is one of the fastest-growing platforms that host your website, it is smart to know all the do’s and don’t of it, and if a professional is there to help you, then there’s nothing like it.

When you hire dedicated WordPress developers you would be able to expand your horizon and grow at an even faster pace.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

5 PHP Facts for Quick Business Growth

PHP is a popular scripting language, also known as “General Purpose Programming Language.” It was launched in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP is an acronym of “Hypertext Processor” and is utilized to create websites of any size (simple or complex). 

PHP backs up around 79% of all the active websites on the web currently, and some famous brands associated with it are Facebook, WordPress, Yahoo, Tumblr, and Wikipedia.

5 Facts that make PHP worth it! 

  • Total budget saver!: 

With PHP, the business owner doesn’t have to pay any license or download fee since it is an open-source technology free for all to use (comes under the General Public License). 

  • Easy accessibility to CMS: 

Most of the Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are coded in PHP. Thus, it is easy to access CMS programs and customize the website as per your choice. 

  • Easy upgradation: 

PHP codes can be easily edited compared to other scripting languages since it allows easy decoding of syntax. 

  • Retaining users is easy:

PHP provides fast loading speed to your website. Sites developed with it loads within 8-9 seconds. 

  • Seamless Access to URLs:

PHP allows you to set up a great URL that is all good to remember, easily linkable, and reduces confusion among developers.

Hire a PHP Coder for Web Development

Monday, November 2, 2020

Top Advantages of Using ReactJS for Web Development

When Facebook launched ReactJS, many other technologies such as AngularJS, Meteor, Node, etc. were available in the market; however, all required developers to code rigorously. However, upon React’s launch, companies actively began to hire react js developers to avoid investing a lot of time into rewriting their codes. 

For forever, developers were looking to find a framework that allowed them to break the code components and reuse them for further use. 

Which is what made ReactJS gain such massive popularity in a short time span. 

Today, it enjoys immense popularity in the market, thanks to the extra flexibility and simplicity. 

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a javascript library actively used for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces for mobile applications and websites and significantly to develop single-page applications where there’s a need for reflecting real-time data. 

Currently, it holds excellent popularity as a component-based, front-end javascript library.

The library deals with the view in the Model View Controller (MVC). 

5 Advantages that proves ReactJS’s worth:

  • Virtual DOM:

ReactJS provides a corresponding “virtual DOM object” for every DOM object. A virtual DOM object represents a DOM object by creating a virtual copy of the actual DOM. React’s DOM processes one-way data binding, making modifications in the DOM easier and quicker as nothing changes on screen. 

  • Declarative UI:

ReactJS is efficient in designing intuitive, dynamic, and interactive user interfaces for both websites and mobile applications. React can create clear views for every state in your application, and ReactJS will render and update all the right components when you make changes to the data. 

The declarative views make the code easier to read and debug. 

  • JSX:

JSX can be best described as a markup syntax possessing many similarities to HTML. You can also call it an amalgamation of XML and JavaScript. JSX eases out the process of writing components and creating efficient React UI by making the syntax used by developers almost identical to HTML injected into the webpage. 

JSX is considered to be one of the best features of ReactJS. Therefore companies looking to opt for an easy way out of the hassles of investing a lot of time into developing often hire react js developers

  • Event Handling:

React has its own event system fully compatible with the W3C object model. Instances of synthetic events pack all the native elements of the browser. React can provide a cross-border interface to native events. This implies you don’t have to worry about incompatible event fields and names. 

Also, the event system in React is implemented via event delegation and also possesses an array of event objects to reduce the memory overhead. 

  • React Native:

React Native is a popular hybrid application development framework, a custom rendered for React, similar to The Web of React DOM. To start developing for Android and iOS using React Native, a developer needs to hold significant knowledge in React concepts such as JSX, states, props, and components. 

However, a developer expert in ReactJS would still have to learn specific functionalities of React Native to work with the framework. 


There are a lot of hidden benefits when you hire react js programmers for your project. You get access to advanced feature sets that are not readily available in the market when developing your project. Using ReactJS, you can quickly fabricate a high-performing application in less time. 

ReactJS components also allow a developer to rewrite the existing code and integrate features easily. Therefore, there’s no doubt when we say React is here to support your project entirely. 

Why Should Product Owners Go for Angular Web Development?

  Developed by Google, Angular JS is an open-source, JavaScript framework known for emphasizing code quality and testability. The main objec...