Monday, December 28, 2020

Benefits of Website Conversion From HTML To WordPress

Today, various platforms for website development are available. But companies choose the best profitable and viable platforms for their development projects. HTML was once the most used platform for website development. But with time, it lost its charm. Being static in nature, it couldn’t manage to maintain the pace with the recently evolved technologies. Today, with significant websites being dynamic in nature, there is less room for static websites. Also, to stay ahead and beat the competition, companies should invest in dynamic website creation platforms. So let’s discuss the benefits of converting your website from HTML to WordPress.


It is one of the best Content Management Systems available to date. WordPress is a self-hosted platform available for website development. It offers various dynamic themes for creating a robust website.

Benefits of WordPress

  • Easy to manage and learn as it offers various built-in dynamic themes, and enough documents are available on the web to learn WordPress.
  • It backs a massive community of developers.
  • Constant help and support regarding the problems faced while development is readily available.
  • It is SEO friendly as it provides numerous SEO plugins to optimize data.
  • The vast availability of plugins and themes makes WordPress stand out from the other development platforms.
  • It offers multi-user functionality.
  • It easily integrates with social media.
  • WordPress offers advanced security.

Important Points to Remember during conversion

     - It is crucial to take a back-up of an existing HTML website.
     - Conversion can be done manually or with the help of skilled developers.
     - It is advisable to divide the existing HTML code into four different parts. 

Hire WordPress Developers

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Laravel, Symfony, and Yii: Which Is The Best Framework of PHP?

PHP is undoubtedly the best programming language available for website development. Being an open-source language, it hosts a massive community of developers. Moreover, PHP provides advanced web development solutions with the help of its unique Frameworks.

Let’s see which is the best PHP framework out of Laravel, Symphony, and Yii.

Reasons to Choose Laravel

  • Very popularly known as PHP framework of web-artisans

  • It has the ability to manage complex web tasks at a faster pace than its competitors.

  • Tasks such as authentication, authorization, routing, and caching are made more comfortable with it.

  • It has been made easier with the inception of an all-in-one vagrant box.

  • One can make customized applications with Laravel.

  • It offers seamless data migration, MVC model support, routing, etc.

Reasons To Choose Symphony

  • It is a collection of reusable PHP components.

  • Allows developers to create scalable and highly efficient websites.

  • It is easier to install on most of the platforms.

  • It enhances the stability and independence of the database engine.

  • It is highly flexible and can easily be integrated with more significant projects.

  • It can be used for large scale projects.

Reasons To Choose Yii

  • It is easy to install.

  • It offers advanced security, making it adequate for high-risk endeavors.

  • It provides excellent speed and performance.

  • It is loved by developers as it helps them to avoid the complexity of writing SQL codes.

  • This framework is extremely flexible, and one can easily customize it to their preferences.

  • It enables to tailor almost every code according to the user’s need.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Angular 11 Is Here- What’s New?

 Angular 11 has been in the headlines for all the right reasons. This time, the company has focused primarily on improving the developer experience and working on the tracker’s cleanup issue. 

Angular 11 provides many improvements that result in an easy development process. 

Features of the New Angular 11

  • Improved Performance:

The new APIs and advancements in performance have made it easier to work with asynchronous actions during tests. This was achieved by enabling multiple asynchronous interactions. 

  • Stricter Pipes:

Several new stricter types are employed for Date pipes and number pipes so that misuses can be handled, such as an array or passing an observable. 

  • Logging:

Improvement in logging and reporting system manuals is initiated for easy replacement of consoling statements. 

  • HMR Support: 

 Hot Module Replacement ( HMR ) is a mechanism enabling modules to be replaced without refreshing the full browser. With the combination of Angular 11, the amount of effort to compose the system line reduces. 

  • TypeScript 4.0 Support :

This time Angular 11 only assists TypeScript 4.0. The utmost reason behind this update is to power up the builds ensuring much faster speed performance than its previous ones. 

  • Change In Router: 

The upgraded router in Angular 11 will automatically change the default value of relative link resolution from “Legacy” to “Corrected.” The shift improves the router to avoid any breakages during the update.

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Why Should Product Owners Go for Angular Web Development?

  Developed by Google, Angular JS is an open-source, JavaScript framework known for emphasizing code quality and testability. The main objec...