Friday, June 26, 2020

How to Hire a Great Web Developer for your Startup?

When Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, said, "Hiring the right people takes time, the right questions and a healthy dose of curiosity', I hope you all heard that. 

Sounds somewhat familiar? 

Have you managed to recognize the tone used above? 

Well, we are assuming that you must have!
Because let's just face reality, social media is full of sayings and things that demand to be heard or felt at the right time, and we are hooked to it.

But, this is a discussion for some other time. 

What we need you to feel right now is that hiring or recruiting is no easy job. It requires extensive efforts to find 'The One' finally.

And when it comes to the arena of web development, things reach on to a critical turn. Since hiring is no easy job, the developers for hire should be found methodically. 

Let's understand it like this - You would always want to look the best of your appearance. You would never praise a pimple on your face, oily hair, or anything that makes your overall look lose momentum.  
The same is the case with web developer and web development.

The web developer builds the face of your brand, which is visible to a million people on a single platform. Falling short of anything, a flaw, or any blemish over that online face is not done.

Therefore, you must make an effort to hire the right talent at the very first move. 

However, searching for someone with the right skills, knowledge of the software, and expertise could be some of the challenges you may have to face during the hiring process.

That's why we have formulated some excellent tips to help you hire dedicated developers for your startup, in this article.

Who do you need? 

Knowing what you need before stepping into the store saves time.

The same way, knowing what kind of a developer you need (there are different types of developers) before starting with search saves time and resources. 

Specifications lead to a customized search based on filters.
Keeping an idea of the skills you need in a developer would ultimately take you the right place to find that person. 

For instance, try asking yourself the following questions:

  • Do I need a web designer or a web developer?
  • Do I need a database developer, a front-end developer, or a backend developer?
  • Do I need a developer who specializes in a particular language or software? 
  • Do I need a full-time developer or for a single project?

Once you have the answers to these questions and a few more such questions, you are good to go ahead.

Where to Find? 

Once you have gathered all the inputs that you need to initiate the search, the next step is to invest your resources in it, which in turn would help to hire dedicated resources to contribute to your startup's growth. 

But the question that now arises is where to find them? 

One way out could be through recommendations. 

You can reach out to social media platforms of your startup or recruitment apps and source talent through networking from both new and old contacts. 

Another great way for hiring could be through outsourcing companies that do the task themselves. They already keep a check of developers for hire. All you have to do is interview the potential candidate as per your suitability and select if the person fits the criteria. You can hire them on either project basis, which is undoubtedly more convenient or for the long-term. 

You just need to consider the appropriate parameters and look at the right place. 

Your 'The One' wouldn't be very far!

The Assessment

The step now is to assess the candidate for his/her potential, experience, skills, and willingness to adapt to an entirely new work culture and style. 
Look at the person's performance at the previous organization or the work or projects handled earlier. 

But make a note to go through it thoroughly.

The dedication can't be seen by just looking casually through the work. 
It is the task of web development, and you need to dig deeper into the effects, the strategy used, language, and software used to decide on selecting someone finally. Don't forget to look at the specializations as well during the interview. They prove to be fruitful sooner or later.

You can assess traditionally by inviting, interviewing, and hiring.
The other way is to use an assessment software that automatically evaluates based on abilities.


Discuss with yourself the points mentioned below:
  • Does the candidate possesses the passion for work and look forward to continuing with the same dedication?
  • Is the candidate suitable as per the pre-set criteria?
  • Does the candidate have expertise in the field? 
  • Is working in a team possible by the candidate?
  • What contribution can he/she make to your startup? 

If you have answers to all the above questions and if the result comes out as positive, then your hard work has worked to hire dedicated resources in the form of a person for your startup.

There is just flying high from this point!


Just the way a startup needs more and better to grow, the developers for hire out there, as well need good to improve. It’s a give and take process. 

So, to fulfill their own needs and offer a pool of opportunities, startups need to adapt the appropriate approach and implement the right hiring process. 

The conventional ones are too old to work in today's rapidly changing industry scenarios.

Make an effort to make things work out for you with the new and more reliable and useful ways. 

And you shall reach the one!

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